Vices Fall Zine



Fall Contest Winners and Honorable Mentions

See the Zine on Issuu!

Poetry Winner 

  • Kimberly Cassels - uninvited

Poetry Honorable Mentions 

  • Kimberly Cassels - hungry
  • Kate McLachlan - Ba da ba ba ba
  • Christina Stanton - Slipped Secret
  • Allie Wilder - In Memory of Yik-Yak, In Trepidation of Whisper

Prose Winner

  • Kate McLachlan - Housewarming

Prose Honorable Mentions

  • Joshua Mendrala - Unique
  • Zoe Larsen - The Waiting Room

Visual Winner

  • Bryson Schritter - Haunted Bloom (Digital Photograph)

Visual Honorable Mentions

  • Bryson Schritter - Dangerous Indulgence (Digital Photograph and Mixed Media)
  • Elise Lilburn - Distraction (Linoleum Cut Print)